This is What you see when you go on to Angels website, The simple black and white theme keeps it very minimalist and simple which in a way relates to his style as you can see from the images below he dresses in nothing too outrageous. This is also what i believe is the case for majority of his audience members.

You then go down on the web page and it has different links to choose from; photos, music, mailing list, latest gigs and his tweets. This is an easy way to keep track of all the things his fans may be interested in. twitter is predominantly used by teens and stars. this is a great way to fully interact with the fans and give that feel of having real interaction with each other so it is a great idea having a link to his twitter on the website.
when you scroll down further you see some of angels interests which also corresponds with the time of year meaning it changes frequently. This is done to add further connection to the audience, it shows that he is just regular and young and does similar things to the audience such as searching the web for things to laugh at such as the things you expect to see on the social website Tumblr.
This is what you go to when you click the music link. its got a playlist where you can listen to all his songs and it has a link that takes you to iTunes so you can purchase the song or album
This is what it takes you to when you click on the latest gigs link which allows you to see all of his up and coming gigs and how much a ticket would cost and if you would like to purchase one, where you could go.
This shows a lot about the artist because it is giving off a simplistic feel however still stylish, not trying too hard yet still very organised and professional which could lead to some possitive impressions about the artist himself.
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