Saturday, 6 October 2012

Planning: Analysis Of Angel - Wonderful

The artist 'Angel', is a singer/songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and record producer from West London. I would say his genre is R&B & Hip Hop. 'Wonderful' was first released in the United Kingdom on July 15, 2012 as the second single from his upcoming studio album. This video would come under the performance view and also reflects on Andrew Goodwin's theory as the video follows aspects of amplification and disjuncture. 

Mise En Scene: 
This scene of Angel being at the club surrounded by hundreds of people is used a lot in mainly Hip Hop and Indie Rock videos. His clothing also reflects on how many Hip Hop/R&B artists dress in their videos as he has a hoodie on and also has a very urban look just like the many other people in the video. There is also a white bird in the beginning of the video. I am sure this is supposed to represent us being free and being comfortable with ourselves as the bird is flapping their wings. The bird is white, and white connotes purity, light, goodness, innocence. It is considered to be the color of perfection. So this could show that Angel wants his audience to feel they're are perfect because they have accepted their imperfections which results in them feeling 'WONDERFUL'. 

At the first 8 seconds of the video we can see fast edits already that go with the beat of the song. It starts off with Angel performing the song to the camera which breaks the 180 degree rule. A close up is used here as the audience can see his main facial features clearly. It then switches to the party scene in the same timing as the beat and switches back to him performing the song. At various points in the video, we can see him performing as he does at the beginning. Here is it faded out so we can see a full version of him moving about and performing. Here we can see a close up and mid shot. Slow motion is used at various points as well. For example, every time "when you finally find what beautiful, so wonderful" is said there is a slow motion used when a person is shown. I believe this is shown to show different types of beauty. When he sings the first verse a scene of him in a dark room with stage lights is shown. Here many jump cuts are used. They are used effectively as it goes with beat and switches at the right pace from his performance scene in the dark room to the club/party scene.
Sound - the rhythm of the song, matches the cutting of each shot, as the beat is quick, the audience at many points don't really get to see the scenes fully as the edits are so fast. 

There are many close ups and mid shots throughout the performance parts of the video. I think this was done to capture the beauty of the people used in the video. The close ups of the hands and heads in the club shown from a high angle shows the audience that they are having a great time. And also because they're jumping it makes the scene more effective as were can clearly see them partying. It almost makes the audience or fans want to be apart of it. Other shots such as medium close ups, cutaways, wide shots are used in the club scene. In the club scene of the video a birds eye view is used when Angel crows surfs. This was used so we are able to see his full body in the clip. It also gives the audience a better idea of the nature of the party. Low angles were also used in the performance section were he is in a dark room with lights. This was effective as the audience would see the he was dominant and powerful. I think this symbolises him being in control of his life and wanting his target audience/fans to see the same way too.   

Our video will differ as we are most likely to use footage from parties, festivals ect to make it more personal to us and so that the audience can relate to it as well. 

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