Monday, 17 September 2012

Research: Andrew Goodwin's Theory.


Andrew Goodwin feels that traditional narrative analyses don’t really apply to pop videos. He believes that approach narrative from a different angle to novels and films. He says that there are reasons for different narrative structures. These reasons are as follows:

  1. Pop videos are built around songs
  2. The pop video uses the singer both as narrator and as a character.
  3. The singer often looks at the camera.

He also said that there are three types of relation between songs and videos:

Illustration: This is where the video tells the story of the lyrics in a way that fits is perfectly. For example Beyonce – Irreplaceable

Amplification: This occurs when the video gives a new meaning to the song but doesn’t take away from the meaning of the song.

Disjuncture: This is where the lyrics and the video do not match at all or when the video displays action that is completely opposite to what the lyrics are saying.


Frank Ocean – Thinking About You

The ‘Thinking About You’ video fits this category as the video has no relation to the song. The song is about an old love and whether Frank Ocean and the old love still have a connection. However the video features a battle that seems to be in the 1920’s. It also features a boy in a hospital where Frank Ocean is a nurse, which is the only time where he is feature.  


Frank Ocean – Pyramids
The ‘Pyramids’ video fits this category as it tells the story of the lyrics. In the chorus is says “she’s working at the pyramid tonight’. The ‘Pyramid’ is a metaphor to describe the woman working at a strip club. The video features strippers dancing ect.


TLC – Unpretty

The ‘Unpretty’ video fits this category as there is a deeper meaning that is displayed through the video. The song is about loving and accepting yourself and there are parts of the video where it seems that the group ‘TLC’ want their audience to also find their inner peace. For example, when the group members are on what seems to be a field in the background there is a purple sky and flowers surrounding them. It could symbolise that they would like their target audience to also have that peace.

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